Prayer Spaces

Prayer Spaces in School

Lent 2017 : March 6th – 10th

At the beginning of Lent this February, the Pastoral Care Team came up with the initiative to organise Prayer Spaces Week within the school. During Prayer Spaces, an area within the school is transformed for a particular week to encourage creativity, personal time and reflection through prayer.  Individual Prayer Spaces activities were set up in the Hall using different materials and a quiet place was created on stage for personal prayer and reflection. 

Each grade had a specific activity to participate in; these included Playful play dough, Prayers for the World, Letting Go, Sorry Strings, Big Questions and Forgiveness Stones.  The Prayer Wall activity was open to all – all pupils could visit the hall, at any time during the week, to write a short prayer which was then placed on the prayer wall. Prayer Spaces week proved to be a very fulfilling week. Parents were asked to join and we were blessed by all who came and participated. This activity was coordinated by Ms Marie and Sr Mary, who together helped create a safe and peaceful environment in the Hall for all pupils and parents who were able to join.