In-nanna tiegħi – poeżija ta’ Katrina Micallef (Il-Ħames sena)

Arabian nights – story written by Annika Cortis (Grade 6)
I was playing hide and seek at my grandma’s rambling, old house. I crouched down to hide inside the huge, oak cupboard and the back slowly gave away to reveal a secret passage. My mind went mental, secret passageway? I must be overthinking.
I slowly uncovered the rest of the oak surrounding the passage, dazed as I put on my hood, you don’t see this every day, do you? I crawled through, seeing shattered picture frames covered in a murky liquid. Sand filled the tunnel, what was happening? I asked myself, is this some lucid dream? A scorching heat came over me, a barren wasteland, sand dunes and mountains crept behind and in front of me. I was utterly taken aback. Camels roamed the desert with ropes latched on their neck, being held by people wearing tons of layers of robes. Now this isn’t some dream… I stumbled to a man as the wind blew my hair across my face as it swayed. I asked him practically everything… His answers felt shallow and empty, there was more to the land than just the surface. My mind spun in thoughts, is this Egypt? Well if it is, where and what year is it?! I thanked the man, he may have not given full answers but it was something. The camels dressed in ludicrously grand fabric. I held my breath, taking in the landscape, this place was amazing… No words could explain it… Perfection at its finest.
Finding a cave, I take a deep breath, my breathing was laboured and heavy from the endless walking and occasional tripping. I was fine… sort of but that’s okay. Veils covered the entrance with jewels probably more expensive than my two kidneys… The jewels glowed and shimmered as I moved the veil, making a whooshing sound… That was way too melodramatic. The uneven path crossed my feet into endless turns and twists, why did I have to wear sandals today?! Gosh… I tripped in a pile of golden dabloons. Ouch… That hurt, I realized the cave was filled to the brim with dabloons, meticulously made carpets and a special necklace… It captivated my eyes, gorgeous and seemingly flawless. I put it on, just in case something appeared, like that genie from Aladdin, wait… no… He was from a lamp, oh well! It began pulling from my neck, away from the cave, dashing through mountains and dunes. It dropped me off… at the passageway, thanks a lot, necklace!
I suppose I should go back home, my grandma was never the patient type, especially with me… Might return tomorrow! I crawled back to see my grandma, glaring at me with menacing eyes, her hands crossed and a slipper in hand. Oh no…