We offer a vast after-school programme ranging from sport, creative art and teamwork. All these activities are held on our school premises except for the swimming lessons which take place at the National Pool at Tal-Qroqq, normally during the last term of the scholastic year. All lessons are conducted by professional and experienced educators and coaches. For further information kindly contact us on 79261344 or refer to Klikks – announcements section.
The following is a timetable of all the activities currently being held at our school:

Here are some photos from our After-school activities:
Dolphins, Brownies and Guides
Ready, Steady, Crafts
Ready Steady Crafts has been a fantastic experience for kids since it kicked off in September 2023. In the second and third term, the course is continuing to provide a delightful blend of creativity and skill-building. The teachers make learning craft enjoyable and also ensure a perfect balance between fun and learning while always keeping the little ones engaged with the variety of new projects. Children love these crafts and every week Ready Steady Craft offers these young minds an excellent opportunity to explore their creativity. Children who are in Grade 2 up to Grade 6 are welcome to join this after school activity.