Message from the Head of School:
On behalf of the staff and myself I would like to welcome you to the Junior School’s official website.
St Joseph School is a Catholic Church School for girls belonging to the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition. We are proud that over the years, our school has built a reputation for the quality of its work and for the attention and love given to the children who form part of it.
All schools share the central objective of passing on the cultural and scientific heritage to the next generation, and of encouraging the personal growth of each pupil through good teaching and the creation of an effective school community.
However, St. Joseph School is a Catholic School and thus draws a distinctive feature of our Christian heritage in the way it combines its educational and religious vocations.
As Head of the Junior School, my mission includes maintaining this Ethos by ensuring that we, the staff, together with the pupils encounter the person of Jesus Christ in school life and develop a personal relationship of faith with Him, that is then proclaimed in the way we live our lives, now and in the future. This is the mission entrusted to us by our foundress St Emilie de Vialar.
As Head of School, my vision is faithful to the Charter and the Identity of St. Joseph Schools and includes an understanding of the values that the school holds in order to foster collegiality among all stakeholders.
The school believes that the first responsibility to educate children lies with parents. Once this is established, we educators can become co-responsible and will strive to develop a good relationship with the family unit for the benefit of the child. At St. Joseph Sliema we will strive to continue to make parents feel at home within the school community; support them in a holistic manner and involve them in the educational journey of their daughters.
We endeavour to develop learners who will bear witness to the Gospel Values, and successfully develop their God-given full potential as lifelong learners, in order to sustain their possibilities in the world of work. We will encourage and inspire our learners to become engaged citizens who can secure social justice in constantly changing, local, regional and global realities.
We expect the children in our care to be a credit not only to their parents but also to St. Joseph School Sliema.
Ruth Calleja
Head of Junior Section
St Joseph School Sliema