Parent Teacher Association
The P.T.A. of St. Joseph School Sliema aims at promoting cooperation between the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition, the Sliema Schools, parents and teachers.

Once your daughter joins our school, all parents and legal guardians are automatically members of the PTA. No membership fee is involved but the cooperation and support of parents has over the years helped to make the PTA a very active and relevant body in the functioning of the school.

The PTA Council manages the PTA. The school is represented by the Headmistresses of the Senior and Junior Schools, two academic staff members from the Senior School and two from the Junior School. The parents
are represented by six parents or legal guardians elected by parents or legal guardians during the Annual General Meeting in an election year which is every two years.

The present Council members are:

Ms Clarissa Fleri Soler, Head Senior Section

Deputy President
Ms Mariuccia Fenech, Head Junior Section

Ms Marlene Vassallo, Junior School Representative

Deputy Chairperson
Ms Bernadette Hall, Junior School Representative

Ms Graziella Fabri, Senior School Representative

Assistant Secretary

Mr Pierre Cuschieri, parent representative

Assistant Treasurer
Mr Duncan Friggieri, parent representative

Ms Anavic Deidun, Parent Representative
Ms Karen Camilleri, Parent Representative
Ms Miriam MizziSchool Representative
Ms Jane Nind, Parent Representative
Ms Priscilla Gingell, Co-opted Member

Fund Raising
Our Fundraising activities include a Christmas Bazaar, Ftira Days, Children’s Parties, Borza ta’ San Martin, Figolla Day, Mother’s Day Activity, Ice-Cream Day and more. New ideas from parents and teachers are encouraged and very welcome.

Investing the raised funds
Over the years the PTA tackled many projects that helped in the upgrading of education in our schools. These included equipment for the Computer Labs, Home Economics Lab and Hall Sound System, New Desks, Wheelchairs, and Library Fund.

The PTA had embarked on funding nine Interactive Whiteboards in the Junior School.

What does the PTA do besides raising funds?
The PTA organises Scoliosis Screening for Senior 1 and Senior 2 Students as a follow-up of the screening carried out in Grade 6.  Cultural Outings and Educational Talks for parents are also organised.

We need your help
You can help by supporting our fundraising activities, joining the Fundraising /Organizing Committee and contesting the Council Elections. You can also help by sponsoring items that can be used for fundraising eg: gifts for raffles and Bazaars, meal vouchers, travel tickets possible and in any other way possible for you.

Click here to view the PTA Statute